Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Service, service, service. It's all about service

When was the last time you called your service provider?  How did the monotone intern treat you?  Did you even understand a word they said?  Did you feel like the person you were talking to cared at all? What ever happened to, "the customer is always right?"

It's amazing that we have put up with the fact that there is no such thing as good customer service these days.  I don't know about you but I find it hard to accept a world where your account is literally just a number and your dollar can easily be replaced by another.  I, like most people finally got to a point where enough was enough.  In the past, you would just accept the fact that no one really cares and no one is going to help you.   At last, change is coming.  Keep your eyes open for the new breed of Telecom Service Providers (TSP's) whom are going to actually live up to their promises.  SLA's will mean something.  MTTR (mean time to repair) will actually be a real number and not just a marketing tool.  Perhaps, someone will make a database that is devoted to being a consumer tool that rates various service providers on specific key milestones (hint hint).  The website that spun off of that would be an extremely useful marketing tool but would provide a valuable and reliable service that would help to promote change.  

A change is coming.  Service will get better!  In the next few years, we are going to start seeing competition and advertising for organizations that care.  One of these companies is a TSP that goes above and beyond the call of customer service and support.  MASS Communications is the change that is needed.  I started the vision for this company, when I realized that the single most important aspect in the Telecom industry is customer service. Simply just being there for your customer is what it's all about.  Offer great products and employ passionate people that want to make a change and you have the ultimate receipt for success.

Change is here.  Let the Telecom Revolution begin!


David L. Schwed said...

Serving as MASS Communication's CIO and working closely with Darren its evident that Darren's vision of the Telecommunications industry is dead on.

Anonymous said...

I applaud your focus on service. Unfortunately, some of the blame for building a wall between customer and agent rests with ... telecom. We've all experienced poorly designed IVR systems, endless transfers, and excessive waits. Beyond the technology--which is solvable!-- management needs to understands the bottom-line aspect of great customer service: customer loyalty leads to higher profitability.

Andy Green

Unknown said...

It's refreshing to hear front line comments about customer service from the top level executive officer of a TSP. I sincerely hope that your feelings about customer service will create a beacon of light amongst your competitors and guide your company to continued success!