Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who has VoIP for their company? Is it reliable?

Who has VoIP? I do! I do. The days of quality are finally among us. As a service provider, I am certain to sound biased but I really do believe in VoIP as a whole. Let’s just say, VoIP is as reliable as your provider. As long as you have a solid connection, the quality is so close to TDM (the CD to your MP3) that you can’t tell the difference anymore. Some carriers offer neat and innovative products that will give you a T1 style handoff through a conversion router called an IAD. It’s really neat to say the least. Now, here is where I talk badly about my VoIP…. All VoIP is not created equally. Carriers that host calling card platforms and (dare I say it?) residential providers don’t provide good quality. If your focus is around residential VoIP, I would have to say reliability and quality are just not there yet. If desire VoIP for business over a dedicated circuit, there is nothing more cost efficient and scalable quite like VoIP. Not to mention dynamic and redundant…

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