Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Viability of VoIP: Changing Customer Perceptions is an Opportunity for Agents

I’m new to the world of blogging and networking sites. That’s not to say that I’ve been living in a cave (at least not for an extended period of time) I just haven’t chosen to partake in the fun. Frankly it was inconceivable to me that I could find the time but I’ve decided this week that I need to make the time to get involved.

I’ve made an observation as I’ve been working my way through the 24 million “tech blogs” listed on Google. What I’ve found is that even now that VoIP is no longer “cutting edge” technology, it’s viability, reliability and other attributes that end in “ity” are still in question.

Part of the reason, I believe, is that even today with all 24 million blogs offering their expertise, few people are able to make the distinction between the different technologies, products and service that collectively make up what is VoIP. “Why?” may make for a whole other topic of conversation but suffice it to say there are failures by marketing departments, sales people, product development teams, engineers and even end-users.

The point I want to make is that there is a tremendous opportunity in the marketplace for agents and consultants to capitalize on this disconnect between fact and perception by becoming a trusted resource to educate your customers. In fact, I believe it incumbent upon us to educate our customers on all of the aspects of VoIP and the potential impact on their businesses.

Many agents and consultants have been offering their customers and prospects a “free comprehensive telecommunications audit” or “free bill review” as a lead in to get the appointment for years and years. And while still effective to a degree (even if completely overused) I think that, to the point of the Telecommunications World Revolution theme here, it may be time for a paradigm shift.

Why not try offering your customers a “comprehensive VoIP needs assessment” or “VoIP migration strategy” instead. This is an opportunity for you to differentiate from the scores of “bill review” cold-calls your customers and prospects get every week.

Provide your customers an assessment in the following areas:

· Network Connectivity - methods of access and terminating equipment
· On-Net Calling – handling calls from one office to another
· Off-Net Calling – handling calls terminating to the PSTN
· Phone System – CPE solutions vs. Hosted PBX and hybrid solutions
· LAN Assessment – ability of LAN to handle VoIP traffic
· Conferencing – internal vs. external platforms / Webinars
· Unified Messaging – productivity enhancing features
· Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery – mitigate threat of downtime
· Vertical Specific Products – automatic and manual ringdowns, hosted call center platforms, etc

Fundamentally your not doing much different from what you do today, you are just re-packaging your services. Be sure to clear up the popular misconceptions about VoIP…

· Enterprise VoIP vs. Consumer VoIP pricing:
o Consumer – all you can eat
o Enterprise – little cost differential, sometimes bundled minutes
· Public Internet vs. MPLS platforms:
o Public Internet no QoS, voice quality suffers
o MPLS based has QoS, toll quality voice (if QoS is throughout the entire network)
· E911, it works: customer and carrier responsibilities
· Security: does the carrier have a session border controller?

Having a VoIP strategy is important for customers. The technology will create bandwidth efficiencies, Cap-ex and/or Op-ex savings, disaster recovery options, productivity enhancements and more. By educating them you will increase the value of their relationship with you and solidify the relationship.


View Shawn Cordner's profile on LinkedIn


Darren R. Mass said...


Excellent post to say the least. The world of blogging and networking sites are absolutely one of the best ways to get your name and your ideas out to the world. I have been able to take some of the ideas that I have seen and build upon them to help produce some revolutionary new advances. I do disagree with you on the fact that VoIP is not "cutting edge." It is true that VoIP has been around for quite some time now but the only other alternative right now is TDM. If you compare both solutions on a timeline, you are looking at dinosaurs to modern man. VoIP will keep evolving and new ideas for TDM will trickle to a halt.

You have an excellent point on marketing products instead of the umbrella term. In TDM model, no salesperson sells TDM they sell the products, PRI's, Trunks, ect. It would be a great advantage to the VoIP world if one would sell the products or solutions instead of on "VoIP" alone.

Dare I say this but I hate “free comprehensive telecommunications audit” and “free bill review.” It makes Telecom and its associates seem like nothing more than sleazy sales people. Everyone knows that there is nothing in life that is free. If your pitch is offering free services, wouldn't that send up a red flag in the mind of the person that the pitch is geared to? Simply put, these companies that market by offering free services need to build a better marketing portfolio and market on their expertise. There is no need to cheapen oneself any further.

Your point and your view is right on with the Telecom World Revolution. Great post!

Let the Telecom Revolution begin!

Anonymous said...


You are not alone in a couple of ways:

1. I am also new to blogging
2. I share many of your feeling about VoIP and the liberties taken by unscrupulous marketing firms and the advantages taken by shyster sales people

While reading your post I was thinking about how to break through the fog and wake-up consumers to this great but misleading technology and a concept came to mind.

We need to work on restoring the definition of VoIP. VoIP is a voice signal delivery method not a product in and of itself.

I realize I am not stating anything that any of the subscribers of this blog don’t already know, but I really believe that consumers think they are buying a VoIP “product” and that all VoIP products deliver the same results.

I think if we (the keepers of the telecom revolution) redirect consumers to this and many other truths about VoIP, the inevitable awakening will occur sooner rather than later.

I thought your ideas about the different assessments were brilliant. Great post! Got me thinking… Thanks!

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